Multiclassing: Dip Out of Warlock - What Spells Should You Choose?

I will have to admit that I have a soft spot for Warlocks in Dungeons & Dragons because my first character in 5e was one. Their number of spell slots can be frustratingly few, but the invocations more than make up for their spell slot deficiency. Also, the stories of how and why a Warlock signs a pact is so very interesting. You’ll see how many times the backstories practically write themselves in the sections below. Granted, they seem to be more for a character who starts out as another character class and then becomes a Warlock.

This will only be about doing a dip into another spellcaster class. A dip is only one or two levels of a new class, so we’ll only look at cantrips and first-level spells that are made available. Since Warlock spell slots are generated differently than all of the other classes, I’ll go over all of the other spellcasters no matter if they are half- or full-casters.

Given the multiclassing rules, you will have to design your character with a thought to how you place your character stats. You need a 13 in the main stat of the character class you are in and the one you want to move into. So, a Warlock will need a 13 Charisma to begin with, then will need a 13 in the class they are multiclassing into. Check the Multiclassing Prerequisites table on page 163 of the PHB for ability score minimums you’ll need for the class you are dipping into.

If you choose your spells carefully, then your spell DC for your new class won’t matter. If you keep your offensive spells in Warlock and use your multiclass to pick up more utility-type spells then it won’t matter if the spellcasting ability score is only the minimum. Bards, Paladins, and Sorcerers also cast out of Charisma, so they make the most sense as the choice to dip into.

I am not going to tier list each of the spells since the reason for the dip will be either story-based or you are trying to shore up a deficiency of the party. I am going to call out whether or not the spell allows a saving throw, requires a spell attack, or the spell modifier has an effect on the spell. This should help you decide which spells will work best with your character or give you some insight on how to allocate your ability scores to maximize the dip.

Here is the key for the spells below:

1 Target allowed a saving throw

2 Requires a spell attack roll

3 Add your spellcasting ability modifier to the result

Bolded spells and cantrips require no saving throws or spell attack rolls

If a spell is available on an expanded spell list and a dip would allow for choosing a subclass, then that subclass will be in parentheses.

Artificer Spells and Cantrips (11 cantrips and 11 spells):

  • Acid Splash 1

  • Dancing Lights

  • Firebolt 2

  • Guidance

  • Light

  • Mending

  • Poison Spray 1

  • Ray of Frost 2

  • Resistance

  • Shocking Grasp 2

  • Thorn Whip 2

  • Absorb Elements

  • Alarm

  • Catapult 1

  • Cure Wounds 3

  • Faerie Fire 1

  • Feather Fall

  • Grease 1

  • Identify

  • Longstrider

  • Purify Food and Drink

  • Sanctuary 1

  • Tasha’s Caustic Brew 1

Artificer is an interesting choice but does not seem to gel well with the Warlock. You would be able to pick up Infusions and the Artificer has a spell list that does include some very good choices. I like the story idea of being a mediocre Artificer who turns to a patron to make themselves more powerful. I might keep that idea in my back pocket for a later build for myself.

Bard Spells and Cantrips (5 cantrips and 16 spells):

  • Dancing lights

  • Light

  • Mending

  • Message

  • Vicious Mockery 1

  • Animal Friendship 1

  • Color Spray

  • Command 1

  • Cure Wounds 3

  • Dissonant Whispers 1

  • Earth Tremor 1

  • Faerie Fire 1

  • Feather Fall

  • Healing Word 3

  • Heroism 3

  • Identify

  • Longstrider

  • Silvery Barbs

  • Sleep

  • Tasha’s Hideous Laughter 1

  • Thunder Wave 3

Would this character be a member of the Cure? Just a thought. The Bard and Warlock mix has the advantage of casting out of Charisma and being able to cast Dissonant Whisper with a high-level Warlock spell slot is well worth the dip.

Cleric Spells and Cantrips (8 cantrips and 13 spells):

  • Guidance

  • Light

  • Mending

  • Resistance

  • Sacred Flame 1

  • Spare the Dying

  • Thaumaturgy

  • Word of Radiance 1

  • Bless

  • Ceremony

  • Command 1

  • Detect Poison and Disease

  • Faerie Fire (Light or Twilight Domains) 1

  • Healing Word 3

  • Heroism (Order or Peace Domains) 3

  • Identify (Knowledge or Forge Domains)

  • Inflict Wounds 2

  • Purify Food and Drink

  • Searing Smite (Forge Domain) 1

  • Shield of Faith

  • Sleep (Twilight Domain)

Patrons and gods seem like they won’t mix very well. A fallen priest who signs a pact to maintain their power is also a very interesting build idea. The nice feature of choosing Cleric to dip into is that they choose their Divine Domain at 1st-level which opens up some nice features early on. Story-wise it makes more sense to start as a Cleric and then switch to Warlock.

Druid Spells and Cantrips (12 cantrips and 12 spells):

  • Control Flames

  • Druidcraft

  • Guidance

  • Gust 1

  • Mending

  • Mold Earth

  • Primal Savagery 2

  • Produce Flame 2

  • Resistance

  • Shape Water

  • Shillelagh 3

  • Thorn Whip 2

  • Absorb Elements

  • Animal Friendship 1

  • Beast Bond

  • Detect Poison and Disease

  • Earth Tremor 1

  • Entangle 1

  • Faerie Fire 1

  • Goodberry

  • Healing Word 3

  • Ice Knife 1 & 2

  • Longstrider

  • Purify Food and Drink

Two levels of Druid will get you a Druid Circle plus wild shape which is a nice addition to a Warlock. There are plenty of spells to choose from that don’t require a good spell DC or need a roll to attack. Spreading out your ability scores won’t be too trying since having a decent Wisdom makes sense since it is one of the saving throw stats for Warlock.

Paladin Spells and Cantrips (14 spells):

  • Bless

  • Ceremony

  • Command 1

  • Compelled Duel 1

  • Cure Wounds 3

  • Detect Evil and Good

  • Detect Poison and Disease

  • Divine Favor

  • Heroism 3

  • Purify Food and Drink

  • Searing Smite 1

  • Shield of Faith

  • Thunderous Smite

  • Wrathful Smite

A Hexblade Paladin is an interesting build, but it takes a while to get online, so it is not something you create unless you will be playing at higher levels.

  • Ranger Spells (13 spells):

  • Absorb Elements

  • Alarm

  • Animal Friendship 1

  • Beast Bond

  • Detect Poison and Disease

  • Ensnaring Strike 1

  • Entangle 1

  • Goodberry

  • Hail of Thorns 1

  • Hunter’s Mark

  • Longstrider

  • Searing Smite 1

  • Zephyr Strike

Just like the Paladin/Warlock mix, this is interesting, but not a fast track to a powerful low-level build. You need a 13 in both Dexterity and Wisdom which is a tall order unless you rolled really well when creating the character.

Sorcerer Spells and Cantrips (12 cantrips and 16 spells):

  • Acid Splash 1

  • Control Flames

  • Dancing Lights

  • Firebolt 2

  • Gust 1

  • Light

  • Mending

  • Message

  • Mold Earth

  • Ray of Frost 2

  • Shape Water

  • Shocking Grasp 2

  • Absorb Elements

  • Alarm (Clock Soul)

  • Catapult 1

  • Chaos Bolt 2

  • Chromatic Orb 2

  • Color Spray

  • Dissonant Whispers (Aberrant Mind) 1

  • Earth Tremor 1

  • Feather Fall

  • Grease 1

  • Ice Knife 1 & 2

  • Magic Missile

  • Ray of Sickness 1 & 2

  • Silvery Barbs

  • Sleep

  • Tasha’s Caustic Brew 1

Another Charisma-based spellcaster is a nice addition to the Warlock. A dip does not open up metamagic, which if you want that then you need to pick up the feat Metamagic Adept. Not a bad dip since it plays into the strengths of the Warlock, but it is predictable because of the feat you have to choose to make metamagic work.


  • Wizard Spells and Cantrips (14 cantrips and 22 spells):

  • Acid Splash 1

  • Control Flames

  • Dancing Lights

  • Encode Thoughts

  • Firebolt 2

  • Gust 1

  • Light

  • Mending

  • Message

  • Mold Earth

  • Ray of Frost 2

  • Sapping Sting 1

  • Shape Water

  • Shocking Grasp 2

  • Absorb Elements

  • Alarm

  • Catapult 1

  • Chromatic Orb 2

  • Color Spray

  • Earth Tremor 1

  • Feather Fall

  • Frost Fingers 1

  • Gift of Alacrity

  • Grease 1

  • Ice Knife 1 & 2

  • Identify

  • Jim’s Magic Missile 2

  • Longstrider

  • Magic Missile

  • Magnify Gravity 1

  • Ray of Sickness 1 & 2

  • Silvery Barbs

  • Sleep

  • Tasha’s Caustic Brew 1

  • Tasha’s Hideous Laughter 1

  • Tenser’s Floating Disk

So many spells but you will be casting out of Intelligence. This will strain your ability score placement to make this a reality, but if you can make it work then you have plenty of spells to choose from. You also get to add ritual spellcasting to your bag of tricks.

Let me know about any dips you’ve taken as a Warlock in the comments below.


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Multiclassing: Dip Out of Wizard - What Spells Should You Choose?