Steampunk D&D: City of Alajast
Alajast is in the northern regions along the banks of the Teminy River and the shore of Lake Avabim. The town was small and of little consequence and is in the middle of the independent lands. The Modrons did not bother attacking it and the humanoids did not bother sending a garrison to defend it during the war.
That all changed five years ago when coal was found in the surrounding hills. Soon both the Modron Collective and the Barrick Republic tried to claim the town and its surrounding territory.
The war was still a fresh memory for both sides. There were some skirmishes, but the two sides were able to come to an agreement. The Modrons were given access to the coal as long as they laid a rail line to the hills. The humanoids were given a couple of cars on the train going south along the mountains.
Kalvin’s Race
Before the Modron War, the town of Alajast was saved by the heroic deeds of Kalvin Enjary. Kalvin was fishing at the mouth of the canal and had just hooked a large fish when he saw the approaching enemy. The white dragon, Gerrezmagol, was approaching with her hoard of kobolds.
Kalvin stashed his recently caught salmon into his gear and dove into the canal. He swam toward the city and had to dive deep to get under the gate that was still closed to keep the city safe at night. He got to the bell that sat outside the old church and rang it to alert Alajast of the approaching danger. It was then that he noticed that all of the Widow Longstreet’s chickens were loose. He gathered the chickens to keep them out of the way during the soon-to-start battle.
With all of the chickens safely in their coup, it was then that Kalvin noticed that his alarm had gone unheeded. The young man then raced through the streets calling out his warning. He found the town’s sheriff and told him of the impending danger.
Kalvin then climbed the tower and looked out at the landing kobolds. He picked up three javelins and threw them. One of his javelins hit and killed the leader of the kobolds just as the creature stepped onto the shore. The son of the lord of the city joined Kalvin on the tower, but the young man soon fell to an arrow. Kalvin carried him down to the green where a makeshift hospital had been set up. Gerrezmagol landed nearby and Kalvin grabbed the lord’s son’s sword and slew the dragon right where the gazebo stands today.