Druid Attack Roll Spells – What Spell Should You Choose?

Druids, like Clerics, have a limited number of attack roll spells that they can choose from in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. There are only six spells that Druids get to choose from with Circle of Spores and Circle of Wildfire getting an additional spell each.

I will not go on a rant about how evil, and precious, dice can be, let’s just say I’d rather roll them than have my DM do it. Although, one of the nice things about a saving throw is that you usually can get some damage past a good roll (depending on resistances).

Here is the list of Druid spells in D&D that the Druid gets to roll the dice:

  • Ice Knife (1st level)

  • Flame Blade (2nd level)

  • Magic Stone (cantrip)

  • Primal Savagery (cantrip)

  • Produce Flame (cantrip)

  • Thorn Whip (cantrip)

Attack roll spells that are only available to particular Druidic Circles are:

  • Chill Touch (cantrip) – Circle of Spores

  • Scorching Ray (2nd level) – Circle of Wildfire

S Tier

Chill Touch –If necrotic damage is your jam then this is a great pick and has a range of 120 feet.

Ice Knife – This attack spell has a nice fallback because if you miss the target it can still cause damage on a failed saving throw. It is a best-of-both-worlds type of spell.

A Tier

Scorching Ray – Three attacks that do 2d6 fire damage is not bad. Upcasting adds additional rays for additional attack roles. I like it, but I’d rather have more damage by upcasting than getting additional rays to shoot.

B Tier

Flame Blade – I like the damage, but it eats up your concentration which can be used for a battlefield control spell instead of an offensive spell. I’d suggest having a normal melee weapon and save your concentration for something more useful to the whole party.

Magic Stone – The damage is a little weak, but you can hand the stones over to someone else to throw them.

Produce Flame – A great choice for your player characters that lack darkvision. This works like a poor man’s Light cantrip while giving you the chance to throw the conjured fire up to 30 feet. You can cast this and hurl the flame on the same turn, but if it’s your only light source then hopefully you and your companions can fight in the dark.

C Tier

Thorn Whip – This is a choice that you make when you have a character that can dish out melee damage, because why else would you want to drag an opponent closer to you?

D Tier

Primal Savagery – I’d rather select something that has a range that will keep you safe and out of danger.

Now you know what attack roll spells you can choose when you are a Druid. Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments down below.


The Ten Towns – Players’ Handout


Cleric Attack Roll Spells: What Spell Should You Choose?